TRAVERSE Global v11.1
Payment Batch Codes
Use the Payment Batch Codes function to define codes to use when creating a record of released invoices due to be paid in the Prepare Payments function. Each payment can be assigned to a batch code, and then payments can be posted by batch code.
Use the Payment Batch Codes function to define codes for posting payments and prepayments, such as when creating a record of released invoices due to be paid in the Prepare Payments function. Each group of payments from a bank account can be assigned to a batch code, and then payments can be posted by batch code. Payment Batch Codes are useful in multiuser environments. They enable many users to enter and post transactions without interfering with each other.
The batch codes will be deleted as soon as all payments in the batch have been posted, if the permanent box has not been checked.
If you elected not to use batch processing in the Business Rules function, use the Payment Batch Codes function to toggle the hold and lock status of the batch ######, which is the main batch and is used to save all payments. This batch code that will not be deleted even if the permanent box is unchecked.
Payment Batch Codes screen
- Click the New button, on the toolbar, to open a blank batch codes payment record.
- Enter a new code in the Batch Code field.
- Enter a description for the new batch code in the Description field.
- Select the Permanent check box to retain the batch when you post transactions.
Note: When you select this check box, the system retains empty batches when processing completes. - Accept the defaults status of Not Applicable in the Check Status field, or change it. If payments are prepared, the status is Prepared. When you enter cash receipts, the status changes to Unprinted. When you print a journal the status changes to Printed. If you enter a new cash receipt after you print a journal, the status becomes Reprint. If you print the payment check and vouchers, the status becomes Printed.
- Mark the Default check box if you want to use that batch as the default batch for the function. This will be the default batch for the company.
- Click the Save button, on the toolbar, to save the new batch code.
- Select a code to edit from the Batch Code field.
- Refresh the list of batch activity, which also refreshes the list of users in the pop-up window.
- Delete a transaction from the Batch Activity dialog box. This will change the status of a transaction from locked to unlocked. This needs to be done if a journal or posting was not completed successfully, to unlock the batch. Deleting this record will only delete the locking record, not change anything for that transaction.
- Edit the fields as necessary.
To prevent any activity in the batch, click the Lock button.
Note: If a batch posts unsuccessfully, the system locks the batch. When locked, you cannot enter, edit, or post the batch. To unlock a batch, click the Lock button. - Click the Save button, on the toolbar, to save any changes made to the batch code.
Click the Activity button to view the batch code, the user IDs of those who update the batch and transaction, the workstation used for the update, and the date and time the update occurred. From this pop-up window you can:
Close the pop-up window to return to the Batch Codes screen.
- Select a batch code to delete from the Batch Code field.
Note: You cannot delete the main batch, ######. - Click the Delete button, on the toolbar, to delete the selected batch code.
- Click Yes at the "Are you sure you want to delete selected record(s)?" prompt.
- Select the print preview button () to preview the list of batches.
- The preview report screen appears.
- Select the print button ( ) in the toolbar to print your list.